French Open to fill stands 50-60% of their capacity

The FFT announced that tickets for the scaled-down 2020 French Open will be put on sale from July 9, 2020

The 2021 French Open has been postponed

The French tennis federation, on Thursday, announced that tickets for the scaled-down 2020 French Open will be put on sale from July 9, 2020.

With the Coronavirus pandemic forcing a re-schedule of the Grand Slam, which usually starts in the last week of May, the French Open will now be played from September 27 to October 11, 2020.

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The US Open, which begins on August 31, has chosen to play behind closed doors and cancel the qualifying event. But the French Open will have qualifiers, from September 21, and ’50 to 60%’ of the regular crowd capacity.

“The number of spectators allowed inside the stadium will be 50% to 60% of its usual capacity, allowing us to ensure the barrier measures are respected,” an FFT statement said.

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“This means that on the three show courts, the tiered seating will follow a precise protocol: on every row, one seat will be left empty between every group of purchasers (a maximum of 4 people who wish to sit in adjacent seats). On the outside courts, every other seat will be out of bounds, and spectators may sit in any of the available seats.”

The FFT added that the layout of spaces around the stadium will be adapted to adhere to social distancing measures and spectators will be obliged to wear masks.

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“If the situation continues to improve, more tickets may be put on sale at the beginning of September. However, if the situation requires more stringent hygiene standards that force us to reduce the number of spectators on site, the tournament organisers will refund any supplementary tickets sold.”

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