Roger Federer Responds To Climate Change Activists


Twenty times Grand Slam champion Roger Federer was criticized by Greta Thunberg and other climate change activists on Friday when the hashtag #Rogerwakeupnow started trending on twitter. Federer has responded

“I take the impacts and threat of climate change very seriously,

particularly as my family and I arrive in Australia amidst devastation from the bush fires,”

“As the father of four young children and a fervent supporter of universal education, I have a great deal of respect and admiration for the youth climate movement, and I am grateful to young climate activists for pushing us all to examine our behaviors and act on innovative solutions.

We owe it to them and ourselves to listen. I appreciate reminders of my responsibility as a private individual, as an athlete, and as an entrepreneur, and I’m committed to using this privileged position to dialogue on important issues with my sponsors.”

Credit Suisse also responded “Combating global warming is important. Credit Suisse respects freedom of expression as a fundamental democratic right. However, to protect its clients, employees and branches, it does not tolerate unlawful attacks on its branches, irrespective of the perpetrators and their motives.”

What do you make of this?

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